- Growing Self Sustaining Gardens for Healthy Living


How to Build Your Own 5-Tier Strawberry Hydroponic Grow Kit

Mr Stacky planters for growing hydroponic strawberries and other small vegetables are a  good way to conserve space in your home or greenhouse.  In this video, I grew a few strawberry plants using the Hydroton Clay Pebbles grow medium. I learned that Strawberries are quite temperamental and prone to root rot so if you build an ebb and flow grow tower like this, it is best to keep your watering to a minimum. While I ran the timer twice a day in this Hydroton Clay Pebble setup, once a day is plenty of watering and you might be able to cut back to only a couple times a week.


Quick Start Hydroponics - Avoiding the 5 Most Common Mistakes

To learn more about Hydroponics, enter your email address to download your Free Quick Start Guide to Hydroponics.  Then, if you want to learn how to build a Hydroponics Vertical Tower like this, I recommend that you check out our Advanced Hydroponics CourseThis video course covers not only this Mr. Stacky Hydroponic Grow Tower DIY project but other complicated hydroponic system.  The PDF guides in these systems will be a valuable resource for you as you design and build your own Hydroponics gardens.

Purchase our Advanced Hydroponics Course to Learn how to Build a Mr. Stacky Hydroponics Grow Tower with step by step instructional videos and a PDF downloadable guide.

Quick Start Hydroponics - Avoiding the 5 Most Common Mistakes

Avoid 5 Common Mistakes in Hydroponics
Enter Your Email to Download this Free PDF
Purchase our Level 3 Membership Lifetime Access to view our Advanced Hydroponics Video Course to Learn how to create a Hydroponics Vertical Garden.




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